4K: Omro 4 Kids
4K Class Times
AM Class: | PM Class: |
Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday: Wednesday: | Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday: Wednesday PM class: |
**Please remember, if your child will be a bus rider, someone MUST BE PRESENT at the drop-off location in order for your child to be released.**
What is “Omro 4Kids?”
Omro 4Kids is a school district based pre-kindergarten program for four-year old children residing within the School District of Omro, or open-enrolling into the district.
Children must be four years old by September 1. There are no early admissions.
Highly qualified, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction licensed teachers teach the activity-based, developmentally appropriate programs.
Classes will run for 2 hours and 50 minutes on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, and 2 hours and 15 minutes on Wednesday in order to meet Wisconsin DPI requirements (437 hours of instruction per year). Exact times will be sent to you with your placement information after registration is complete.
The program features parent outreach opportunities including: parent workshops, activities, and conferences.
What will my child learn in 4K?
Children will participate in play activities that provide rich learning experiences. A focus on learning through play allows children to gain skills in all areas including: social-emotional, cognitive, creative expression, early literacy, and self-help. Teachers will use curriculum and materials that enhance those experiences through a hands-on approach. The Wisconsin Model for Early Learning Standards will guide all curriculums. You can access these standards at: www.thinkbigstartsmall.com.
How do I register my child?
Fill out initial, online enrollment form.
Attend one of our 4k Round-up sessions in February.
Complete online registration prior to the beginning of school year.
Placement information will be given out at Round-up, which will include health information, registration instructions, family login/password, and a class supply list. Online registration will be completed during the summer.
How will classroom placements be made?
Classroom placements will be based on the following criteria (not necessarily in this order):
Children’s needs
District resources, including busing
Classroom demographics
Classroom size
*If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Kelly Kozlosky, 4K Program Administrator, at 685-7400 ext 2502 or email kkozl@omro.k12.wi.us