Food Services
Computerized Meal System
The School Nutrition Department uses Skyward to track meals and payments. Students are assigned a lunch ID number that carries with them while they are enrolled in the school district. There is one account per family. All family member's charges will be deducted from the same account. It is only necessary to make out one check for all members of the family. Payments made be made at the Patch Office, OES Offce and District Office. Payments for grades 6-12 are also accepted in the lunch/breakfast line. We also offer the option for paying on-line with e-funds.
Link to e-funds:
Free & Reduced Price Meals
The School District of Omro participates in the National School Lunch/Breakfast Program which is a federally subsidized program that is designed to help eligible children receive free or reduced-price meals. Families that qualify for free or reduced price meals can confidentially participate in both the USDA Lunch and Breakfast Programs at their schools. Free and Reduced price applications are mailed each August to each registered household in the district. Meal applications are available at all Omro School Offices and the District Office. Applications can be found on-line at:
**A new application must be filled out every year.**
The School District of Omro also participates in the Direct Certification Option. If one or more of your children are approved through this method you will get a letter in the mail stating so. If any other school age children in your household were not directly certified, you must complete an application for the entire household.