Earlier this week, our fifth grade students tried playing various band instruments as they prepare to choose their classes for 6th grade.
about 1 year ago, School District of Omro
A fifth grade student plays a tuba while working with an adult.
A fifth grade student is playing the bells while working with an adult.
A fifth grade student is shown a trumpet by an adult.
A fifth grade student blows into a flute while working with an adult.
A fifth grade student practices blowing into the mouthpiece of a flute.
OoMPA (Omro Music Parents' Association) invites you to a Chili Supper on Thursday, January 25, 2024 from 4:30-6:30 pm. There is an in-person and drive-thru option available.
about 1 year ago, School District of Omro
Poster advertising a Chili Supper sponsored by Omro Music Parents' Association
Grade 7 students in Ms. Murphy's science class demonstrated their cell knowledge through a poster or model of plant, animal, or bacteria cells. Providing voice and choice in how students demonstrate their learning is a key strategy for student engagement!
about 1 year ago, School District of Omro
A middle school student holding a poster about a plant cell.
Three middle school students holding cell models.
A middle school student holding a poster about an animal cell.
School will be closed today (Tuesday, January 9, 2024) due to inclement weather. This includes all after school activities.
about 1 year ago, School District of Omro
Graphic communicating that Omro schools are closed on 01/09/2024.
School is canceled for Tuesday, January 9th due to weather conditions. All after school activities are also canceled.
about 1 year ago, School District of Omro
Graphic communicating that school is canceled on Tuesday, January 9, 2024
Congratulations to our Fox Paw winners from H.B. Patch and OES for the week ending on January 5, 2024. Thanks for exemplifying the Fox Four of being safe, responsible, respectful, and positive!
about 1 year ago, School District of Omro
2 pictures with multiple early elementary students smiling in front of a butterfly wing backdrop
4 pictures of elementary students smiling
Thursday before winter break the Omro High School Book Club hosted the Mistletoe Mystery Book Exchange. Just like "Blind Date with a Book", the titles and authors were kept a secret and only a few clues were given on the wrapping paper. These books are for students to keep and enjoy over winter break. The High School Book Club hopes you had Happy Holidays!
about 1 year ago, School District of Omro
Students standing near a table full of books wrapped in paper so the covers cannot be seen. Each wrapping has a Good Reads Summary written on it.
Students standing near a table full of books wrapped in paper so the covers cannot be seen. Each wrapping has a Good Reads Summary written on it.
Students standing near a table full of books wrapped in paper so the covers cannot be seen. Each wrapping has a Good Reads Summary written on it.
Students standing near a table full of books wrapped in paper so the covers cannot be seen. Each wrapping has a Good Reads Summary written on it.
Students standing near a table full of books wrapped in paper so the covers cannot be seen. Each wrapping has a Good Reads Summary written on it.
A table full of books wrapped in paper so the covers cannot be seen. Each wrapping has a Good Reads Summary written on it.
The agenda for the Wednesday, January 10, 2024, School Board Meeting has been posted. Click the link to see the agenda: https://www.omro.k12.wi.us/o/sdo/page/board-meetings
about 1 year ago, School District of Omro
Graphic with a notebook looking image that communicates School Board Meeting Agenda
Events happening the week of January 7, 2024: Monday, January 8 ~ PTO Meeting Tuesday, January 9 ~ Bowling: Match vs Kimberly (Home) ~ Basketball: Girls' JV2 vs Green Bay West (Away) ~ Basketball: Girls' JV vs North Fond du Lac (Away) ~ Basketball: Girls' Varsity vs North Fond du Lac (Away) ~ Basketball: Boys' JV2 vs Lourdes Academy (Home) ~ Basketball: Boys' JV vs Lourdes Academy (Home) ~ Basketball: Boys' Varsity vs Lourdes Academy (Home) Thursday, January 11 ~ Basketball: Grade 7 Girls vs Ripon (Home) ~ Basketball: Grade 8 Girls vs Ripon (Away) ~ Bowling: Match vs Hortonville (Home) ~ Basketball: Boys' JV2 vs Winnebago Lutheran Academy (Away) ~ Basketball: Boys JV vs Winnebago Lutheran Academy (Away) ~ Basketball: Boys' Varsity vs Winnebago Lutheran Academy (Away) ~ Wrestling: Boys' Varsity Match vs NFDL/St Mary's Springs (Home) Friday, January 12 ~ Blood Drive: OHS ~ Basketball: Girls' JV2 vs Oconto (Away) ~ Basketball: Girls' JV vs St. Mary's Springs (Away) ~ Basketball: Girls' Varsity vs St. Mary's Springs (Away) Saturday, January 13 ~ Dance: Varsity vs Kaukauna (Away) For more information visit: https://www.omro.k12.wi.us/district/calendar.cfm
about 1 year ago, School District of Omro
Graphic with a megaphone sharing the words “This Week’s Events”
Congratulations to OMS and OHS Fox Friday winners from Friday, January 5, 2024! These students were nominated by staff members or other students for demonstrating the Fox Four (Safety, Responsibility, Respect, or Positivity). Staff members were nominated by students or other staff members for being a role model, an advocate for students, or having a positive connection with students.
about 1 year ago, School District of Omro
Individual pictures of three OMS Fox Friday winners.
Individual pictures of three OHS Fox Friday winners.
Individual pictures of two staff Fox Friday winners.
OHS Book Club recently held their annual holiday party. Students did a secret Santa book exchange, watched a holiday movie, and had yummy snacks!
about 1 year ago, School District of Omro
Groups of students sitting at tables in a media center.
A group of students sitting at tables and holding books wrapped in paper.
A group of students sitting at tables and holding books wrapped in paper.
A group of students sitting at tables and holding books wrapped in paper.
A group of students sitting at tables and holding books wrapped in paper.
A group of students sitting at tables and holding books wrapped in paper.
This week’s Omro Staff Spotlight features Mrs. Dawn Prickett. She is a Kindergarten teacher in her fifth year as a full-time teacher, but eleventh in education. Dawn enjoys watching her son run Cross Country and her daughter play Soccer, Volleyball and Basketball. She also loves hanging out and playing with her five year old yellow lab named Benny. Additionally, she enjoys reading psychological thriller books. When asked what she enjoys about working for the School District of Omro, she said, “I love the small town feel of Omro! This community really cares for its kids and definitely takes the approach that it takes a village to raise them. I love all of the great things that the Omro schools are doing. I appreciate the positive environment that our leadership provides.” Thank you, Mrs. Prickett, for all you do for our students!
about 1 year ago, School District of Omro
Image with a teacher's school picture communicating she is the Staff Spotlight for the week.
The day before winter break, sixth graders spent the day going through holiday rotation. They learned how Christmas is celebrated around the world, read about snowflakes and created holiday tessellations, made snow globe ornaments, and used their science knowledge to build the tallest Christmas tree out of spaghetti noodles and marshmallows.
about 1 year ago, School District of Omro
Middle school students working on spaghetti and marshmallow towers.
A middle school student building a spaghetti and marshmallow tower.
Two middle school students standing by a tower they created out of spaghetti and marshmallows.
Two middle school students sitting at a table working together.
Two middle school students sitting at a table, smiling.
A middle school student holding a handmade snow globe.
A middle school student holding a hand made snow globe.
Congratulations to our Fox Paw winners from H.B. Patch and OES for the week ending on December 22, 2023. Thanks for exemplifying the Fox Four of being safe, responsible, respectful, and positive! OMS students have some different Fox Paw opportunities this month, so there will not be any Fox Paw winners shared on Fridays for OMS.
about 1 year ago, School District of Omro
2 pictures with multiple early elementary students smiling in front of a butterfly wing backdrop
4 pictures of elementary students smiling
Mrs. Clich's ELA classes exhibited their yearly poetry showcase! The poems recited via Readers' Theater were The Tide Rises, The Tide Falls, Celebrations, and 'Twas the Night Before Christmas. Skills enhanced by this wonderful activity are fluency, expression, vocabulary, comprehension, memory, confidence, flexibility when something does not go as planned, being a smaller part of a larger production, teamwork...and it's fun! Job well done, students! Thank you to all of Mrs. Clinch's ELA students and Mrs. Clinch!
about 1 year ago, School District of Omro
A group of students performing their poetry showcase.
A group of students performing their poetry showcase.
Students in Mrs. Morse's World of Children class spent some time making homemade toys using ingredients and supplies found around your home. They made finger paints, flubber, noodle necklaces, Kool-Aid clay, and watercolors. They spent the next day "playing' with their toys and made connections to how children use toys to learn physical, intellectual, emotional, and social skills.
about 1 year ago, School District of Omro
High school students sitting at tables, working.
High school students sitting at tables, working.
A high school student painting with water colors.
High school student stringing a pasta necklace.
High school students sitting at a table, working.
Three high school students sitting at a table, working.
Wishing everyone a wonderful winter break! There will be no school from 12/25/23 through 01/02/24. We look forward to welcoming everyone back to our buildings on Wednesday, January 3, 2024.
about 1 year ago, School District of Omro
Graphic communicating school closure due to winter break.
This week’s Omro Staff Spotlight features Miss Erica Birenbaum. She is a choir teacher at Omro Middle and High School. Erica is beginning her education career here in Omro! Erica enjoys baking, hiking, camping, and singing (of course). When asked what she enjoys about working for the School District of Omro, she said, “One of my favorite things about working in Omro is the sense of community and family throughout the school!” Thank you, Miss Birenbaum, for all you do for our students!
about 1 year ago, School District of Omro
Image with a teacher's school picture communicating she is the Staff Spotlight for the week.
Are you interested in running for the School District of Omro School Board? There are currently 3 positions up for re-election in the April 2, 2024 school board election. Positions are three year terms with the third position (by number of votes) filling the remainder of a two year term. The deadline to submit the Declaration of Candidacy and Campaign Registration Statement papers, to be placed on the election ballot, is 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 2, 2024. The Declaration of Candidacy and Campaign Registration Statement papers should be turned into: District Office 455 Fox Trail Omro, WI 54963 To pick up papers, or find out more information, please email Nancy Stoflet at nstof@omro.k12.wi.us.
about 1 year ago, School District of Omro
Graphic about upcoming school board openings
Looking for a last minute holiday gift? Order your "Omro Foxes Night at The Herd" tickets today! See the flyer for details. Order your tickets online at https://fevo-enterprise.com/OmroFoxes.
about 1 year ago, School District of Omro
Flyer promoting Omro Foxes Night with the Oshkosh Herd.