OUR KIDS. OUR COMMUNITY. OUR FUTURE. REFERENDUM 2024: Don’t forget that absentee ballots can be received until 8:00 PM on November 5th. If voting in person, polls are open from 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM. Please visit myvote.wi.gov for more information. VOTE TODAY (November 5, 2024)! Learn More: www.omro.k12.wi.us/referendum Share Thoughts or Questions: Dr. Jay Jones, Superintendent 920-303-2334 or referendum@omro.k12.wi.us
3 months ago, School District of Omro
Graphic with the Referendum logo and text that says "Vote Today!"
Paraprofessional Substitutes Needed! Being a paraprofessional substitute provides a flexible work schedule and the capacity to have a positive impact on students in the Omro community. When you join our Fox Family as a paraprofessional substitute, you have the opportunity to be reimbursed for the cost of your subbing license. To find out more, visit https://www.omro.k12.wi.us/page/employment-opportunities or contact Connie Bernier, Director of Special Education cbern@omro.k12.wi.us
3 months ago, School District of Omro
Now Hiring Graphic communicating the need for a Special Education Paraprofessional
OUR KIDS. OUR COMMUNITY. OUR FUTURE. REFERENDUM 2024: Don’t forget that absentee ballots can be received until 8:00 PM on November 5th. If voting in person, polls are open from 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM. Please visit myvote.wi.gov for more information. VOTE TOMORROW (November 5, 2024)! Learn More: www.omro.k12.wi.us/referendum Share Thoughts or Questions: Dr. Jay Jones, Superintendent 920-303-2334 or referendum@omro.k12.wi.us
3 months ago, School District of Omro
Graphic with referendum logo and text saying "Vote Tomorrow".
Events for the Week beginning November 3, 2024: Monday, November 4, 2024 ~ Basketball: Boys' Grade 7 vs Winneconne (Away) ~ Basketball: Boys' Grade 8 vs Winneconne (Home) Thursday, November 7, 2024 ~ Basketball: Boys' Grade 7 vs New London (Away) ~ Basketball: Boys' Grade 8 vs New London (Home)
3 months ago, School District of Omro
Graphic with text sharing the “Events of the Week”
There is no school today, Monday, November 4, for students.
3 months ago, School District of Omro
No School Graphic with the date.
Congratulations to OMS and OHS Fox Friday winners from November 1, 2024! These students were nominated by staff members or other students for demonstrating the Fox Four (Safety, Responsibility, Respect, or Positivity). Staff members were nominated by students or other staff members for being a role model, an advocate for students, or having a positive connection with students.
3 months ago, School District of Omro
Individual pictures of six Fox Friday student winners; three middle school and three high school.
Individual pictures of two staff Fox Friday winners.
Students and staff celebrated Halloween yesterday (October 31, 2024) throughout the District. It was great to see all of the creativity in costume selection and smiles throughout the day!
3 months ago, School District of Omro
2 teachers in costumes.
6 teachers in costumes.
3 teachers in costumes.
Staff in costumes.
2 students in costumes.
5 students in M and M costumes.
Two students in costumes.
OUR KIDS. OUR COMMUNITY. OUR FUTURE. REFERENDUM 2024: Thursday, October 31st is the last day to request an absentee ballot (must request by 5:00 PM). Please visit myvote.wi.gov for more information. VOTE NEXT TUESDAY! Learn More: www.omro.k12.wi.us/referendum Share Thoughts or Questions: Dr. Jay Jones, Superintendent 920-303-2334 or referendum@omro.k12.wi.us
3 months ago, School District of Omro
Graphic with the referendum logo and the text "Vote Tuesday".
OHS Key Club members will be trick or treating for canned goods tonight (October 31, 2024). They would love your support if you are able to contribute! Wishing everyone a safe and enjoyable Halloween!
3 months ago, School District of Omro
Flyer about trick or treating for canned goods.
OUR KIDS. OUR COMMUNITY. OUR FUTURE. REFERENDUM 2024: Still have questions about the upcoming School District of Omro referendum questions? Review our Frequently Asked Questions responses on our referendum page to see if your questions have been asked by others. If you still have questions, please reach out using the contact information below. https://www.omro.k12.wi.us/page/referendum#faq Learn More: www.omro.k12.wi.us/referendum Share Thoughts or Questions: Dr. Jay Jones, Superintendent 920-303-2334 or referendum@omro.k12.wi.us
3 months ago, School District of Omro
Graphic with the vote logo and FAQ
Recently, grade 6 students took a nice walk through town to the library, where they met staff members who shared valuable information about the library system, how to find materials in the library and catalog, and some fun activities offered throughout the year. Oh, and of course students got to use their library cards and check out materials!
3 months ago, School District of Omro
Students at the library listening to an adult.
Students walking to the library
A group of students in front of the Carter Memorial Library.
Two middle school students holding books.
A group of middle school students in front of the Carter Memorial Library
A middle school student sitting at a computer.
For the 2024-2025 school year, we would like to introduce/share about as many staff members as possible, as everyone has an integral role in our school community. Staff were asked to share about themselves using a "6 word summary." Read on to learn a bit more about our OMS/OHS custodians!
3 months ago, School District of Omro
Staff Spotlight graphic that shares the name, role, and a six word summary of the staff member.
Staff Spotlight graphic that shares the name, role, and a six word summary of the staff member.
Staff Spotlight graphic that shares the name, role, and a six word summary of the staff member.
Staff Spotlight graphic that shares the name, role, and a six word summary of the staff member.
Staff Spotlight graphic that shares the name, role, and a six word summary of the staff member.
Staff Spotlight graphic that shares the name, role, and a six word summary of the staff member.
Otober is National Bully Prevention Month and our students have participated in a variety of activities to support a positive school culture. At OES, students had different dress up days the week of October 14-18, including a pajama day to "put bullying to rest." Students had other scheduled activities throughout the month as well. At OMS, students wore blue on October 7, participated in bully prevention lessons in guidance classes, created a school-wide unity poster to hang in the lunchroom, and had the opportunity to purchase "warm fuzzies" for $.50 that will also include a kind message for the recipient. In addition, Peer Leaders made weekly announcements throughout the month with anti-bullying messages. Creating a safe and healthy environment is important to all of us!
3 months ago, School District of Omro
Unity poster hanging in a school cafeteria.
OHS Student of the Month for September is Liam. Throughout high school, Liam has been a part of cross country, track, National Honor Society, Key Club, Sources of Strength, Battle of the Books, and Piano Lessons. He has volunteered with the Oshkosh Food Pantry, Freshman Orientation, and National Honor Society Trivia night. In addition, he has participated in many highway cleanups. Outside of school, Liam enjoys running, reading, playing pool, and playing piano. After graduation, he plans to major in statistics while attending University of Chicago or UW-Madison.
3 months ago, School District of Omro
Graphic with a picture of a high school senior and the words OHS Student of the Month.
Congratulations to our Fox Paw winners from H.B. Patch for the week ending on October 25, 2024. Thanks for exemplifying the Fox Four of being safe, responsible, respectful, and positive!
3 months ago, School District of Omro
A group of early elementary students standing in front of a bulletin  board.
A couple of early elementary students standing in front of a bulletin board.
A group of elementary students standing in a media center.
Safe Routes to School Update Trick-or-Treating during Halloween season can be an exciting time. However, please take precautions to keep everyone safe!
3 months ago, School District of Omro
Flyer about safe routes to school
Congratulations to OMS and OHS Fox Friday winners from October 25, 2024! These students were nominated by staff members or other students for demonstrating the Fox Four (Safety, Responsibility, Respect, or Positivity). Staff members were nominated by students or other staff members for being a role model, an advocate for students, or having a positive connection with students.
3 months ago, School District of Omro
Individual pictures of six Fox Friday student winners; three middle school and three high school.
Individual pictures of two staff Fox Friday winners.
Grade 7 scientists in Ms. Murphy's class explored the strength of different toilet paper brands through the Scientific Process.
3 months ago, School District of Omro
Middle school students completing a science lab.
Middle school students completing a science lab.
Middle school students completing a science lab.
Paraprofessional Substitutes Needed! Being a paraprofessional substitute provides a flexible work schedule and the capacity to have a positive impact on students in the Omro community. When you join our Fox Family as a paraprofessional substitute, you have the opportunity to be reimbursed for the cost of your subbing license. To find out more, visit https://www.omro.k12.wi.us/page/employment-opportunities or contact Connie Bernier, Director of Special Education cbern@omro.k12.wi.us
3 months ago, School District of Omro
Now Hiring Graphic communicating the need for a Special Education Paraprofessional
OUR KIDS. OUR COMMUNITY. OUR FUTURE. Voters can possibly request and vote an absentee ballot in-person in their municipal clerk’s office from October 22 through November 3, 2024. Office hours vary by municipality. Some municipal offices may not offer additional in-person absentee hours. Check MyVote or contact your municipal clerk for absentee voting hours. https://myvote.wi.gov/ Learn More: www.omro.k12.wi.us/referendum Share Thoughts or Questions: Dr. Jay Jones, Superintendent 920-303-2334 or referendum@omro.k12.wi.us
3 months ago, School District of Omro
Graphic with the Referendum logo, word "Vote" in large found and text about in person or absentee voting.