Students in Mrs. Morse's World of Children class were recently learning about Prenatal Development. They have been researching what happens to the fetus and what the mother is feeling during the nine months of pregnancy. To help students better understand how a mother may be feeling during pregnancy, they had the opportunity to wear the Empathy Belly Simulator. This simulator represents the ninth month of pregnancy and allows the students to feel some of the same symptoms that an expecting mother would feel.
3 months ago, School District of Omro
Two high school students wearing an "empathy belly" to simulate pregnancy.
Last week Friday, Mr. Franz and Mrs. Morgan, along with the rest of the food service team, created a special Homecoming meal for our students in grades 6-12. Over 300 hamburgers and 60 brats were grilled, along with a hand-frosted, school spirit cookie. Thanks to everyone for their hard work!
3 months ago, School District of Omro
Mr. Franz and Mrs. Morgan
Mr. Franz by a grill with hamburgers on it.
Tray full of cookies with gold or maroon frosting.
Students in Mrs. Morse's Food, Family and Society class have been learning about how food has transitioned over time. They prepared "pioneer foods"-- recipes using simple, staple, basic ingredients grown in our environment. Just recently, they talked about "traditional foods"-- hearty, wholesome, made from scratch foods, that bring people together. They made homemade pizza dough and topped it off with their favorite toppings. The feeling of pride in making their pizzas homemade was sensed in the classroom, not to mention, they enjoyed eating them!
3 months ago, School District of Omro
Two high school students holding a pizza in front of them, angled slightly towards the camera.
One high school student sitting at a table with a pizza in front of her.
Three high school students sitting at a table with a pizza in front of them.
A circular pepperoni pizza on a pizza pan.
Two high school students sitting at a table with pizza in front of them.
Slices of pizza with a partial image of a pizza cutter.
Congratulations to Cindy Morse! She was awarded a grant from the WI Beef Council to use towards the purchase of products in her Family and Consumer Sciences classes this semester.
3 months ago, School District of Omro
Graphic with information bout a Grant Recipient.
Congratulations to our Fox Paw winners from H.B. Patch and OES for the week ending on October 18, 2024. Thanks for exemplifying the Fox Four of being safe, responsible, respectful, and positive!
3 months ago, School District of Omro
A group of early elementary students standing in front of a bulletin  board.
A couple of early elementary students standing in front of a bulletin board.
A group of elementary students standing in a media center.
Take a night off of cooking and join us at a Red Robin on October 28 to support the AP World History Trip to Germany! The fundraiser is all day and be sure to mention Omro!
3 months ago, School District of Omro
Graphic about a Red Robin Fundraiser
Congratulations to OMS and OHS Fox Friday winners from October 18, 2024! These students were nominated by staff members or other students for demonstrating the Fox Four (Safety, Responsibility, Respect, or Positivity). Staff members were nominated by students or other staff members for being a role model, an advocate for students, or having a positive connection with students.
3 months ago, School District of Omro
Individual pictures of six Fox Friday student winners; three middle school and three high school.
Individual pictures of two staff Fox Friday winners.
Homecoming Week Spirit! Our high school students have embraced the dress up days throughout this week! As a reference as you view pictures, the themed days are listed below: Monday: Despicable Me Character Dress-Up Tuesday: Country vs Country Club Wednesday: Mathlete vs Athlete Thursday: Board Games Friday: School Colors
3 months ago, School District of Omro
3 high school students posing together.
7 high school students posing together.
6 high school students posing together.
5 high school students posing together.
2 high school students posing together.
3 high school teachers posing together.
3 high school students posing together.
3 high school students posing together.
4K students engaged in an art project that also fostered a sense of school pride. They creatively made "Fox Faces" and proudly displayed them for all to see! Great job 4K Foxes!
3 months ago, School District of Omro
4K students holding paper foxes in front of their face. There are also two adults in the image.
4K students holding paper foxes in front of their face. There are also two adults in the image.
For the 2024-2025 school year, we would like to introduce/share about as many staff members as possible, as everyone has an integral role in our school community. Staff were asked to share about themselves using a "6 word summary." Read on to learn a bit more about the second grade team!
3 months ago, School District of Omro
Staff Spotlight graphic that shares the name, role, and a six word summary of the staff member.
Staff Spotlight graphic that shares the name, role, and a six word summary of the staff member.
Staff Spotlight graphic that shares the name, role, and a six word summary of the staff member.
Staff Spotlight graphic that shares the name, role, and a six word summary of the staff member.
Staff Spotlight graphic that shares the name, role, and a six word summary of the staff member.
Staff Spotlight graphic that shares the name, role, and a six word summary of the staff member.
Staff Spotlight graphic that shares the name, role, and a six word summary of the staff member.
Digital Citizenship Week In honor of Digital Citizenship Week, we are sharing a tip from Common Sense Media about Protecting Personal Data Online. "As kids grow up spending more and more time online—for entertainment and for learning—it's important that they know how to stay safe. Whether they're playing multiplayer games or using social media, guide your children to be responsible by going over some basic rules of internet safety for grades K–5 and grades 6–12. Talk about your family's rules and expectations for behavior and being mindful of what they share online. This can go a long way in supporting your children's safety and well-being." K-5 students have already spent time exploring and learning about digital citizenship/safety. Each student has a Digital Citizen Choice Board, which enables them to continue to explore the concepts. Middle school students enrolled in Information Technology will be starting their Digital Citizenship unit next week.
3 months ago, School District of Omro
Graphic about Digital Citizenship Week
OUR KIDS. OUR COMMUNITY. OUR FUTURE. REFERENDUM 2024: Join us tonight at the Omro Middle/High School PAC for an informational meeting about the November 5th referendum. 6:00 PM | Includes presentations and Q&A Learn More: Information Session: Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 6:00 PM Omro High School/Middle School PAC 455 Fox Trail, Omro Share Thoughts or Questions: Dr. Jay Jones, Superintendent 920-303-2334 or
3 months ago, School District of Omro
Community Presentation Tonight Graphic
H.B. Patch and OES have Picture Retakes tomorrow, Thursday, October 17.
3 months ago, School District of Omro
Picture Retake Graphic
OUR KIDS. OUR COMMUNITY. OUR FUTURE. REFERENDUM 2024: Join us tomorrow at the Omro Middle/High School PAC for an informational meeting about the November 5th referendum. 6:00 PM | Includes presentations and Q&A Learn More: Information Session: Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 6:00 PM Omro High School/Middle School PAC 455 Fox Trail, Omro Share Thoughts or Questions: Dr. Jay Jones, Superintendent 920-303-2334 or
3 months ago, School District of Omro
Community Presentation Graphic
The School District of Omro will be conducting a three-year-old developmental screening on Monday, October 21, 2024 at HB Patch Elementary from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. for children who were born between May 1, 2021 and October 21, 2021 and currently reside within the School District of Omro boundaries. The screening is offered bi-annually to look at the areas of fine and gross motor skills, basic school readiness skills, speech sound production and communication. If a child is found to have significant delays after being further evaluated, programming such as the Early Childhood program or Speech and Language therapy may be recommended. Another screening will be held in the spring for those children who will turn three years of age after October 21, 2024. A letter and questionnaire about children’s development were sent to parents of children who are on the district's census list and within the screening age. If you did not receive a letter and questionnaire for your child, please contact Jaime Ellison at (920) 303-2317 or complete the screening questionnaire online at Appointments are needed to attend the screening. Please note that we do not screen children who do not currently reside within the School District of Omro boundaries, even if you intend to apply for open enrollment for your child or move to Omro in the future. Contact your current district of residence to inquire about their screening process.
3 months ago, School District of Omro
Graphic about a developmental screening
Congratulations to our Fox Paw winners from H.B. Patch and OES for the week ending on October 10, 2024. Thanks for exemplifying the Fox Four of being safe, responsible, respectful, and positive!
3 months ago, School District of Omro
A group of elementary students standing in a media center.
A group of early elementary students standing in front of a bulletin  board.
A couple of early elementary students standing in front of a bulletin board.
Events for the Week beginning October 13, 2024: Monday, October 14, 2024 ~ Volleyball: Girls' Grade 7 vs Winneconne (Away) ~ Volleyball: Girls' Grade 8 vs Winneconne (Home) ~ Football: JV2 vs Laconia (Away) Tuesday, October 15, 2024 ~ Soccer: Boys' Varsity vs Lourdes.Valley Christian (Away) Wednesday, October 16, 2024 ~ Referendum: Community Conversation Thursday, October 17, 2024 ~ Cross Country: MS vs St. Lawrence Semionary (Away) ~ Cross Country: Varsity vs Multiple Schools (Away) ~ Volleyball: Girls' Grade 7 vs Multiple Schools (Away) ~ Volleyball: Girls' Grade 8 vs Multiple Schools (Away) ~ Soccer: Boys' Varsity vs Random Lake (Home) ~ Volleyball: Girls' JV2 vs Lomira (Home) ~ Volleyball: Girls' JV vs Lomira (Home) ~ Volleyball: Girls' Varsity vs Lomira (Home) Friday, October 18, 2024 ~ Football: Varsity vs Campbellsport (Home)
3 months ago, School District of Omro
Graphic with text sharing the “Events of the Week”
Omro Homecoming is the week of October 13. Each school is celebrating homecoming in their own unique way, whether it is through dress up days at the elementary level or a combination of themed dress up days and scheduled activities at the high school level. We welcome the community to join in the festivities throughout the week by attending events. The Homecoming Parade will be leaving OHS around 2:15 pm on Friday and will be returning around 3:15. The parade route is shown below; we welcome the community to line the streets and support our Omro Foxes! #FoxPride
3 months ago, School District of Omro
Graphic with a Fox Head logo and text about Homecoming  being from October 13-19.
Parade Route is highlighted.
Trick or Treat! #BridgingBrighterSmiles wishes all students a safe and happy Halloween this season! Don’t forget to enroll at to keep that smile bright this spooky season!
3 months ago, School District of Omro
Bridging Brighter Smiles
STAFF SPOTLIGHT For the 2024-2025 school year, we would like to introduce/share about as many staff members as possible, as everyone has an integral role in our school community. Staff were asked to share about themselves using a "6 word summary." Read on to learn a bit more about the staff who you will see in the main office of each building!
3 months ago, School District of Omro
Staff Spotlight graphic that shares the name, role, and a six word summary of the staff member.
Staff Spotlight graphic that shares the name, role, and a six word summary of the staff member.
Staff Spotlight graphic that shares the name, role, and a six word summary of the staff member.
Staff Spotlight graphic that shares the name, role, and a six word summary of the staff member.
Staff Spotlight graphic that shares the name, role, and a six word summary of the staff member.