High school students recently participated in "Drive Your Tractor to School Day."

Congratulations to this week's OMS and OHS Fox Friday winners! These students were nominated by staff members or other students for demonstrating the Fox Four - Safety, Responsibility, Respect, or Positivity. Staff members were nominated by students or other staff members for being a role model, an advocate for students, or having a positive connection with students.

Omro High School Sources of Strength hosted a "Student Appreciation" Fox Time event in which staff and students participated in a variety of healthy activities around the school grounds. Groups played games like soccer, kickball, and sharks and minnows. Others took relaxing walks on the fitness trail or read books outside. Some got playful with bubbles and did sidewalk art. It was a fun way to celebrate the year together.

On Monday, May 22, members of the high school Spanish Club went to the Latino Arts Community Center in Milwaukee to learn how to make authentic Tortillas and horchata. After eating eat too many freshly made quesadillas, they walked over to Botanas restaurant to enjoy some delicious food. They all came home very full and feliz.

The class of 2025 is hosting a spirit night at Red Robin in Oshkosh June 6th from 5pm - 9pm. Mention the fundraiser when you dine in or carry out and 20% of food sales will go to the graduating class of 2025.

In early May our High School Battle of the Books team went on a field trip to celebrate their hard work this season. Liam and Kayannah represented Omro High School in the Final State Test for Battle of the Books the last week of February.
On their field trip they visited 3 Little Free Libraries in Omro and Oshkosh to restock with books. After sharing their love of literacy with residents in Omro and Oshkosh they went to Barnes and Noble where they picked out 14 new books for our school library. Making a trip back to Oshkosh they finished off the day with lunch and a movie. Great job this Battle of the Books Season Liam and Kayannah!

The students in Mrs. Morse's Assistant Child Care class recently completed a unit on Professional Development in the Early Childhood field. Each student had an opportunity to research an EC career that they had an interest in and create a bulletin board showcasing their findings.

The 2023 Homecoming Theme is here!

Congratulations to this week's OMS and OHS Fox Friday winners!
These students were nominated by staff members or other students for demonstrating the Fox Four - Safety, Responsibility, Respect, or Positivity. Staff members were nominated by students or other staff members for being a role model, an advocate for students, or having a positive connection with students.

Congratulations to Felicity who earned a scholarship from her musical performance in the Huisman Honors Recital. Felicity placed 4th out of all the participating musicians from the entire state of Wisconsin!

Students and Staff had the chance to participate in a Collaborative Art Project in the Middle and High School library this past month. The image was kept secret and as the squares were slowly completed a Fox appeared!

The OHS band and choir recently participated in the Trills and Thrills Festival. Both groups earned the highest rating of superior for their performances. After performing, the students spent the remainder of the day at Six Flags Great America. Thank you to OoMPA for funding the majority of this event.

National Honors Society induction was this past weekend at the high school. Here is the National Honors Society group from the 2003-2004 school year. Are you in this picture?

Wednesday, May 3rd Omro Middle School and High School Students participated in National Bike to School Day. There were snacks and chances to win prizes for all who walked or biked to school that day. At the end of the day, students were encouraged to stop by the Omro Community Bike Shoppe where the fun continued. Students blended up some tasty lemonade slushies with our human-powered bike blender. We ended the day with a turtle bike race (the slowest person won) and more prizes. Thank you to all students and staff who participated, Eastern Wisconsin Safe Routes to School, and our local Kwik Trip for donating healthy treats.

Mrs. Wendy Fisher's Jazz Band and Mrs. Cindy Morse's Advanced Culinary Arts class collaborated for a night of music and dessert. The 5th Annual "Sweet Jazz" event was held on May 17 and was welcomed by over 60 guests who came to enjoy some wonderful music and delicious desserts showcased by our students.

Ms. Downs' 3rd grade and Mr. Carlson's high school AP Chemistry class partnered up for some chemistry demonstrations in the OES Science Lab!

For the last 11 years, the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Wisconsin Team Nutrition has held a student chef competition called "Whipping Up Wellness."
Teams of middle and high school students are invited to develop a nutritious, student-friendly recipe featuring local foods that can be incorporated easily into the school food service program.
The top five finalists from the Recipe Contest are invited to prepare their recipe during the Cooking Competition at Madison Area Technical College – Truax Campus on Thursday, May 18, 2023. Dishes will be judged on taste, student appeal, presentation, and creativity. The top five finalists from the Cooking Competition will receive a banner to display at their school and recognition on the Department of Public Instruction website. Qualifying recipes may be included in the eleventh annual student chef cookbook and may be submitted to the U.S. Department of Agriculture for inclusion in the national recipe database.
The "Omro Foxes" Advanced Culinary Arts Team consisting of Gracen, Ryan, and Levi were chosen to advance to State this year with their recipe, Chicken Stir Fry with Greek Style Rice and came home with the Championship!!
"Congratulations Team Omro Foxes!! I am beyond proud of all of you and am honored to share this championship with you!! Thank you for being such amazing and talented students-- I am blessed." -- Mrs. Morse

Last week was Wellness Week at OHS. Wellness Week is meant to be a week-long event that gets students involved in wellness activities during their lunch period and is hosted by Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD). This year, two members of Collaborative Wellness provided a selfie photo op and stickers and other wellness activities. Officer Peeters provided the students with an opportunity to try on impairment goggles and then complete a maze puzzle. SOS members had students answer trivia questions about wellness. Our nurse, Karen Carley asked students to "Act" on awareness so students played Gestures and had to act out activities. SADD also provided "Free Hug Coupons" for students and staff all week long.

A little rain didn’t stop OHS Key Club and NHS members from their annual spring highway cleanup on Saturday, May 13th! They collected almost 10 bags of garbage!

On May 6th, Prom 2023 was help in the OHS commons. The theme was "Under the Stars."
Special thanks to Art Eichmann for taking photos, to Reimer Jewelers of Oshkosh for donating the queens tiara again, and Angie Schuster for making the beautiful flowers.