Don't forget about this fun event happening tomorrow!
almost 2 years ago, School District of Omro
Sweet Jazz on Wednesday, May 17 at 6:00 pm
OHS Student of the Month for May is Caleb. Throughout high school, he has been National Honor Society and played soccer, basketball, track and field, and golf. After graduation Caleb plans on attending UW-La Crosse and majoring in Biology and eventually graduate school to become a physician assistant. When asked what his plans for the future are, he replied, "In ten years, I hope to have a stable job as a physician assistant. I would like to still live in the area, with a nice house and big yard. I would also like to be married with 3-4 kids. Overall, I want to live happy and have a stress-free life." Congratulations Caleb!
almost 2 years ago, School District of Omro
Male student lean on a wall.
Students in Mrs. Morse's Advanced Culinary Arts class participated in a Cake Decorating contest as part of their Bake Shop Unit. Students worked in partnerships to design a cake according to their client's request. "Clients" ranged from a couple getting engaged, a cake for a 5 year old's birthday who likes animals and outdoors, a cake to celebrate Mother's Day and a birthday cake for an 18 year old who enjoys cars and movies. Guess which cake won? (Congrats to Levi and Brena!!)
almost 2 years ago, School District of Omro
White cake with a Lamborghini symbol on it.
Three high school students standing behind a table with a cake on it.
Cake with wild animals on it.
Students standing behind the cake with wild animals on it.
A cake in the shape of a ring with pink frosting and the words "just married" in the middle.
Students standing behind the ring cake.
Mother's Day cake with the sides covered in frosting flowers.
Students standing behind the mother's day cake.
Recently, OHS students attended prom. Here is a throw back to the 2009 prom court!
almost 2 years ago, School District of Omro
A Night on the Town: 2009 Prom Court
Biology students at OHS got to experience the fun of extracting DNA from strawberries. It was a little thrilling and a little gross (the DNA looks like saliva as it separates). Strawberries make great lab subjects because they have eight copies of each chromosome and they make the lab smell yummy!
almost 2 years ago, School District of Omro
High school students holding test tubes.
High school student pouring something into a cup.
Two high school students pouring something into a cup.
Two high school students in a science classroom.
Two high school students pouring something into a test tube.
Three high school students pouring something into a cup.
Four high school students pouring something into a cup.
Today is National School Nurse Day!
almost 2 years ago, School District of Omro
National School Nurse Day.  Thank you for all the care you provide for our students.
Congratulations goes out to Levi as he received his first place plaque along with $2500 for winning the Optimist International Essay Contest. On May 6, 2023, Levi read his essay and was honored at the convention in Green Bay. Supporting Levi at this event were his parents Amy and Scott Harper, and his teacher, Tracey Miller.
almost 2 years ago, School District of Omro
High school student holding his award alongside his high school teacher.
High school student accepting the award.
Congratulations to Emma and Felicity who performed their solos at state solo/ensemble. Felicity earned a 1 (highest rating) on her flute solo. Emma received a 1 on her music theater solo and a 2 on her classical solo. Bravo!
almost 2 years ago, School District of Omro
High school student holding a flute.
Smiling high school student.
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! We want to recognize the patience, dedication, and deep commitment to students' growth and wellbeing our educators display on a daily basis. Thank you for showing up every day with enthusiasm and passion for helping our students succeed. Please know that you are making an incredible impact on our community and our nation by the work you do. We hope you know how much you’re appreciated!
almost 2 years ago, School District of Omro
Teacher Appreciation Week 2023
The agenda for the Wednesday, April 12th School Board Meeting has been posted. Click here to see the agenda:
almost 2 years ago, School District of Omro
School Board Meeting Agenda
Events happening this week include: Monday, May 8 ~ Varsity Golf Meet @ South Hills Golf Course ~ MS Track Conference Meet @ Omro High School ~ JV Baseball Game: Waupun vs Omro @ Omro High School ~ Varsity Baseball Game: Omro vs Waupun @ Thompson Field ~ Varsity Softball Game: Omro vs North Fond du Lac @ Oriole Athletic Complex Tuesday, May 9 ~ Varsity Golf Meet @ Mayville Golf Course ~ JV Baseball Game: Omro vs Lomira @ Lomira High School (Double-header) ~ Varsity Baseball Game: Lomira vs Omro @ Omro High School ~ Varsity Softball Game: Omro vs Lomira @ Lomira High School ~ Varsity Soccer Match: St. Mary's Springs Academy vs Omro @ Omro High School Wednesday, May 10 ~ School Board Meeting ~ OMS/OHS Choir Concert @ PAC ~ Varsity Golf Meet @ Whispering Springs Golf Course Thursday, May 11 ~ Spring Concert (1st, 3rd, 5th grades) @ OES ~ Varsity Track @ Campbellsport Middle-High School ~ Varsity Softball Game: St. Mary's Springs Academy vs Omro @ Omro High School Friday, May 12 ~ MS Track Triangular @ Waupaca High School ~ Varsity Softball Game: Omro vs Winneconne @ Winneconne High School ~ Varsity Baseball Game: Omro vs Lomira @ Lomira High School ~ Varsity Soccer Match: Omro vs NFDL/Oakfield @ Oriole Athletic Complex For more information visit:
almost 2 years ago, School District of Omro
This Week's Events
Mrs. Morse's World of Children students recently completed their Story Hour unit. Students worked cooperatively with a partner to choose a story to read to the class that would be appropriate for a group of toddler and preschool age children. Along with the book, they created a visual to go along with it (flannel board, magnets, etc.) and recited a song or fingerplay to complete their story hour. Fun (and many treats) were had by all!
almost 2 years ago, School District of Omro
Two high schoolers holding the book "Where's that pig?"
Two high schoolers with a felt board and the book "Who Hops?"
Two high schoolers reading a book.
World of Children class wearing crowns.
Two high schoolers holding the book "Pinkalicious.""
Two high schoolers holding the book "Pete the Cat."
Two high schoolers holding the book "The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog!""
Two high schoolers holding a variety of animals cut out of paper.
Two high schoolers holding the book "No, David!"
Congratulations to this week's OMS and OHS Fox Friday winners! These students were nominated by staff members or other students for demonstrating the Fox Four - Safety, Responsibility, Respect, or Positivity. Staff members were nominated by students or other staff members for being a role model, an advocate for students, or having a positive connection with students.
almost 2 years ago, School District of Omro
Three OMS students who won Fox Friday.
Three OHS students who won Fox Friday.
Two staff members who won Fox Friday.
From the kitchen to the lunchroom, cafeteria staff is essential to making sure our students eat well and learn. We're so grateful for all you do every day. Happy #SchoolLunchHeroDay!
almost 2 years ago, School District of Omro
Celebrate your school lunch heroes! School Lunch Hero Day is May 5.
The Assistant Child Care Teacher (ACCT) is a course that prepares students to work in the Child Care Industry. Thus far, these students have earned their SIDS, SBS, WI Breastfeeding, and CPR certifications. They just recently completed their Practicum at the early childhood level in a collaborative effort with Miss Kelly and her 4K students. The OHS students worked in cooperative groups and taught Miss Kelly's AM and PM sessions learning centers based on the theme of "Gardens and Flowers." This practicum earns them their Department of Instruction certificates to be an Assistant Child Care Teacher. "This is an amazing group of young ladies who have a natural born talent to work with young children. I am extremely proud of them and all they have accomplished this year." -- Mrs. Cindy Morse "The high school students prepared FANTASTIC activities that kept my students engaged and excited to learn! I could tell that they put a lot of time and effort into planning their lessons and creating the activities. It was a pleasure to have them join my class! " -- Miss Kelly (4k Teacher)
almost 2 years ago, School District of Omro
Students sitting on the floor reading.
Students sitting on the floor reading.
Students sitting on the floor reading.
Students sitting on the floor listening to the teacher talk about flowers.
Students working at a table to create flowers out of paper plates.
Students sitting on the floor reading.
Students sitting on the floor reading.
Students sitting at a table work on an activity with piper cleaners.
4K Class
4K class
The Assistant Child Care Teacher (ACCT) is a course that prepares students to work in the Child Care Industry. Thus far, these students have earned their SIDS, SBS, WI Breastfeeding, and CPR certifications. They just recently completed their Practicum at the early childhood level in a collaborative effort with Miss Kelly and her 4K students. The OHS students worked in cooperative groups and taught Miss Kelly's AM and PM sessions learning centers based on the theme of "Gardens and Flowers." This practicum earns them their Department of Instruction certificates to be an Assistant Child Care Teacher. "This is an amazing group of young ladies who have a natural born talent to work with young children. I am extremely proud of them and all they have accomplished this year." -- Mrs. Cindy Morse The high school students prepared FANTASTIC activities that kept my students engaged and excited to learn! I could tell that they put a lot of time and effort into planning their lessons and creating the activities. It was a pleasure to have them join my class! "-- Miss Kelly (4k Teacher)
almost 2 years ago, School District of Omro
Students sitting on the floor reading a book.
Students sitting on the floor reading a book.
Students sitting on the floor reading a book.
Students sitting on the floor listening to the teacher.
Students sitting at a table creating flowers out of paper plates.
Students sitting on the floor reading a book.
Students sitting on the floor reading a book.
Students sitting at a table working on an activity with pipe cleaners.
4K class picture
4K class picture
Come join us for a night of Sweet Jazz!
almost 2 years ago, School District of Omro
Sweet Jazz  will be Wednesday, May 17th at 6:00 pm in the OMS/OHS Cafeteria.  Admission is $5.00. Tickets can be purchased in advance at the OMS/OHS Main Office or at the door.
Happy School Principal's Day! Thank you for all you do to serve our students!
almost 2 years ago, School District of Omro
Happy School Principal's Day!
Congratulations to this week's OMS and OHS Fox Friday winners! These students were nominated by staff members or other students for demonstrating the Fox Four - Safety, Responsibility, Respect, or Positivity. Staff members were nominated by students or other staff members for being a role model, an advocate for students, or having a positive connection with students.
almost 2 years ago, School District of Omro
OMS Fox Friday Winners
OHS Fox Friday Winners
Fox Friday Staff Winners
May 3rd is National Bike to School Day. All students who walk or Bike to School will be able to enter their names in a drawing for prizes! I have a flyer attached so feel free to share that. There will be an event after school at the Bike Shoppe that students can come and participate in from 2-4pm. See this flyer for more information:
almost 2 years ago, School District of Omro
Bike to School Day is Wednesday, May 3